(written by NanoSongs)
The AdsenseExperts site is just what I have been hoping for the past year, when I first became a program partner on YouTube.
I am the composer / designer of The MultiplicationTable Channel on YouTube MultiplicationTable – YouTube I am looking for ideas to maximize revenue.
Thus far, The MultiplicationTable Channel is completely organic, in that all my views and subscribers are due to word of mouth with no active campaign.
It seems my numbers are pretty good, from what I have read thus far on AdsenseExperts (CTR at around 4% with 3000 views / day during the school year.
I am hoping to gain more expertise and insight into my Adsense data and develop strategies to maximize revenue, build peripheral sites and pages, increase views and conversions, and develop an MTC app.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I will begin the study process on AE.com and look forward to being a part of this forum.
Enjoy your stay :)
You could try to replicate this formula on a website so that you can increase your earnings.