(written by Kolbi)
Hi guys,
I just wanted to ask you if somebody has the mod "Fuzzy SEO" installed and worked out with how many search queries the best ranking can be provided?
(written by Kolbi)
Hi guys,
I just wanted to ask you if somebody has the mod "Fuzzy SEO" installed and worked out with how many search queries the best ranking can be provided?
I use that Product for my vBulletin Forums.
I set mine to 5 but first used to show 25.
The problem with this product is, that it is basically keyword stuffing your website which is against Google quality guidelines.
So I reduced it to 5 but I really noticed the traffic drop after reducing 25 to 5 search terms.
Be careful! Better safe then sorry.
I am depending on Google Traffic for my websites.
I guess that Google see normal tags as keyword stuffing, too?
But normal sites are using for example around 10 tags so 10 search queries should be okay, too?
Have you checked how it influenced rankings?
I am not concerned about the algorithm figuring it out but a human reviewer could penalize your website for this.
After all, did you install it for the visitors or to influence Search Engines?
This is the ultimate measurement for the difference between "white hat" and "black hat" :)
Sure I installed it for seo reasons, because of this I would say for search enginges. But for visitors it interesting, too. The can see how others found this site. :)
But you are right some can call it a black hat method :D
It is a difference to show the best 5-10 or showing 20-50 keywords per page.