Text Ads Arrows gone ?

(written by laure)

Hello adsensers

lately ,just before the end of 2012, the adsense text ads started showing arrows ,one big arrows or multiple small ones (depending on how many links on the add) ,now ,this change braught a significant change to my earnings (double the RPM) .

but lately ,my adsense ads started to look like before (without the arrows) wich decreased my earning ,but other competitor’s websites still have arrows on their ads ,i tried to determine the factor that determines why arrows appear or not ,but without any luck.

so if you have the same problem ,or have some insights ,please share 🙁

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12 Responses to Text Ads Arrows gone ?

  1. JamesColin says:
    It's just adsense playing with the format of their ads, but on which we have no control over.

    This is something they do on their own and test, but we never hear about it, only discover it and have to accept it, like when they've changed the format of text ads in 728x90 ads..

    It doesn't matter because we know we can't do anything about it, so no need to worry about it.
  2. laure says:
    yes, it looks like it's out of our control, wich is a bit frustrating :(
  3. laure says:
    for those of you affected or intrested ,there is some info here Have You Been Affected By The Nessie Update? Google AdSense forum at WebmasterWorld

    it seems like an update to the adsense system called nessi wich appearently removed the arrows from sites that seemed to abuse the :confused:
  4. waqar says:
    No it is not adsense playing, It is browser issue , You would have washed cookies and it is gone,
    • WalterPoon says:
      No it is not adsense playing, It is browser issue , You would have washed cookies and it is gone,

      Waqar may be right because my arrows are still intact. Laure, you are referring to the link units, right?
      • laure says:
        Laure, you are referring to the link units, right?
        No WalterPoon ,i'm refering to the big arrows that come with text ad units (not the new little ones in the link unites ,no problem concerning those ).
        • WalterPoon says:
          No WalterPoon ,i'm refering to the big arrows that come with text ad units (not the new little ones in the link unites ,no problem concerning those ).

          Hi Laure, I must be blur. I never saw the big arrows!
  5. laure says:
    Well WalterPoon ,nothin better for explaning than a picture ,so check this out :

    and for more on the subject you can check this post : Google AdSense Brings Arrows To All Ads.
    • WalterPoon says:
      Hi Laure, I got it... yes, I have those arrows but I find them kind of ugly. Looks so factory-like when you have many of them in one page. (Kind of funny I never thought of those as arrows!

      I thought you were referring to those in the link units, also shown in the below display.)
  6. laure says:
    yes ,i agree with you ,they are kind of ugly ,but they seem to drive the CTR higher .
    • WalterPoon says:
      yes ,i agree with you ,they are kind of ugly ,but they seem to drive the CTR higher .

      Hi Laure, you are right. Since December last year, my Adsense revenue has increased but I didn't know that it was due to the arrows. Honestly, I was amazed that it jumped so much! You may find this thread interesting.
  7. laure says:
    thanks Walterpoon ;)

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