I never spend a thought about Adsense being delivered via an Adserver until 6 month ago where my direct advertising marketer approached me with this question.
In which cases could the delivery of Adsense Ads via an Adserver be not compliant with Google Adsense TOS?
- I used OpenX as adserver which simply passed the adsense code into the html source during deliveryI think that is OK
- Enabling the option “Alter HTML to enable click tracking for: Google Adsense” with OpenXNot so sure
- Delivering Adsense via Javascript Ad Tag (doubleclick Adserver) that does not pass the adsense code into the HTML source.Not so sure
So I made an inquiry to Adsense and here is the response:
Using doubleclick as adserver and thereby loading ads via the dc java script is within googles TOS.
Who would have guessed because doubleclick was bought by Google
However the email sounded like only with doubleclick it is ok.
Other Adservers that don’t load the Google adsense code into the HTML code unchanged may not be OK.
So watch out what kind of implementation your Adserver uses.
And if it does not pass the complete Adsense Code into your HTML code better contact Adsense and ask them if it is within their TOS.
Since some AdServers offer the option to implement Ads via iFrames this becomes now a question about violating AdSense TOS or not.
If you are using e.g. like OpenX and Serve Ads via an iFrame you should reconsider or at least contact AdSense about if this complies with their AdSense TOS.