(written by CThiessen)
i like to share some experience.
I used:
- AdSense integration together with nice welcome message
(with Large Rectangle (336×280)) and - AdSense Integration as second post (with Leaderboard (728 x 90))
To see what is better i stay with the welcome Message (i think its´s on of the best)
But instead of the second post i use:
- AdSense inside the first post – AdsenseExperts Exclusive
(with Large Rectangle (336×280))
So what happens:
The CTR goes up but the revenue goes down.
I think it is good to have different formats. My second solution has all Ads in the same format (336×280).
I think not all Advertisers have Ads in every Format (for Image Ads).
So i think it is helpful to use all main Formats somewhere on the page, if possible with the design.
best regards
The CTR will be lower but the eCPM will be much higher