Just added noarchive to all my forums

Whenever I log in to my AdSense Account I notice that more and more “unauthorized sites” show my AdSense Ads which mostly are Google caches from a different countries.

My allow list is full (over 40 entries) of Google domains.

That is why I started to rethink my approach on allowing Google (and other SEs) to cache my websites and I came to the conclusion that there is no real reason for a search engine to cache my website content.

My Server has a guaranteed uptime of 99,8% so not reaching my site will hardly if ever happen.

Besides cached versions keep visitors away from my websites.

That is why of today I set my websites to noarchive for all search engines.

I doubt it will have much effect on my rankings but that was the biggest con point in my considerations.

How do you approach this topic?

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2 Responses to Just added noarchive to all my forums

  1. JamesColin says:
    Personally I don't even have enabled the authorized sites feature.. I went and checked last month's earnings from "Web caches and other" and it amounted to $1.07, for less than a thousand impressions, no big deal and totally ok for me.

    Why do people check the cached version, perhaps for deleted pages, I don't know at all, but I don't consider that to be a problem.

    The strange thing is that I have in my stats urls that have nothing to do with me, they show very little impressions and no clicks.

    But still it must be a bug there's no reason for my adsense publushier id to be on their sites.

    And it is probably NOT on their site, just a bug from adsense I'm pretty sure about it, adsense is far from immune when it comes to bug, as we have seen here already..

    By the way, no news about your bug report for the link units? :-)
  2. admin says:
    No unfortunately not

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