Tag Archives: behavior

25 pets PLR articles, #14

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AdSense tests Mouseover Effekt for text ads


I just noticed on one of my forums that AdSense uses a mouseover effect in AdSense text ads when viewed with IE 9. I never saw this with Firefox so I can’t really tell if this behavior is a small test or a large scale behavior change.

I find it interesting though.

Here is a screenshot with the mouseover effect

Have you seen this behavior in FireFox as well?

What do you think about this? Good or bad?

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Understanding your eCPM (effective cost per 1000 impressions) 2/2

Two weeks ago, we shared a brief introduction to the basics of eCPM (aka, RPM), including how it’s calculated and what factors impact it. In the Part 1 video, AdSense optimization specialist Matthew Carpenter-Arevalo discusses key variables you can use to better understand eCPM performance, including CTR (clickthrough rate) and CPC (cost per click).

Today, we’ll go a couple steps further and discuss how user behavior impacts eCPM and show you tools that can help you better understand your users’ traffic patterns.

User behavior refers to how users interact with your site. Generally, there are two types of users:

  • Return users who continually come back to your site and spend more time engaging with your content
  • Unique users who are arriving at your site for the first time in search of specific information that your site may or may not have

It’s important to understand the make-up of your audience, because different types of users will interact in different ways with your website.

To track and analyze user behavior to help you make informed decisions about your site, we recommend integrating Google Analytics with your AdSense account, so you can see data at more specific levels and by regions. We also suggest setting up channels to understand how the ads across specific pages on your site are performing.

Thanks for following our two-part ‘Understanding your eCPM’ series. We hope you found the content useful, and that you now have a better understanding of the factors that influence your eCPM.

Posted by Meredith Blackwell – Inside AdSense team

Originial post: Inside AdSense Blog

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