Tag Archives: frame

Ads in frame (not iframe)

(written by Asja)

The AdSense Agreement specifically says no iframes.

The FAQ says:

When a website displays someone else’s website within a frame or window on their own site, this is considered framing content. Placing Google ads on such pages is strictly prohibited.

What I’m wondering is if I frame one of my own sites in a regular frame like this:

  <frameset cols="100%", rows="100%"> 
    <frame src="https://www.mysite.com"> 

Is this OK? (since it says “someone else’s website”)

Posted in AdSense Placements | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Please review my site. Thank you!

(written by CaneInsider)

Hi, love the info on this site. Really have been diving in hard to understand all of this. I didnt believe there was much money to be made from advertisements and was going down the premium membership road route.

I would like to keep my site free and a good review might be just what I need to do so. Please give a review.

Thank you so much.

(Resource no longer exists)

Posted in Website Reviews | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments