Tag Archives: iframe

Ads in frame (not iframe)

(written by Asja)

The AdSense Agreement specifically says no iframes.

The FAQ says:

When a website displays someone else’s website within a frame or window on their own site, this is considered framing content. Placing Google ads on such pages is strictly prohibited.

What I’m wondering is if I frame one of my own sites in a regular frame like this:

  <frameset cols="100%", rows="100%"> 
    <frame src="https://www.mysite.com"> 

Is this OK? (since it says “someone else’s website”)

Posted in AdSense Placements | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Do you use DFP in IFRAME mode?

(written by unicorn)

Do you use Doubleclick for Small Business (Publishers) in IFRAME mode?

The disadvantage is that you can not change the size of the ads. A 300×250 ad place will always be 300×250, regardeless if you put in a Large Rectangle Adsense ad within it (it will be stripped) or put no ad within it (the rectangle will be displayed as an empty place).

The advantage is asynchronous delivering, that makes your page faster.

Posted in Advanced AdSense Publishers | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment