AdSense Integration as last post

This mod adds a Google Adsense large rectangle after the last post of each thread if the thread has at least one reply.

It is blended to look like a regular post in your thread without violating google adsense TOS. Make sure you use the same colors you use on your forum to optimize blending!

Installation instructions

In the template SHOWTHREAD find:

<div class="separator"></div>

and add below:

<vb:if condition="$show['guest'] AND !$thread[replycount] == 0">
    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer" id="post_{vb:raw post.postid}">
      <!-- see bottom of postbit.css for .userinfo .popupmenu styles -->
      <div class="posthead">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img title="Alt" src="./images/statusicon/post_old.png" alt="Alt" border="0" /><span class="date">&nbsp;<a href="https://www.DOMAIN.COM/register.php" style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline;">(No Advertising after the last post? Register now for free!)</a></span></div>
      <div class="postdetails">
        <div class="userinfo">
           <div class="username_container">
             <br />
             <span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;margin-left:0px;color:#000000;">Advertising</span><br /><br />
             <img src="https://www.DOMAIN.COM/images/logo_ads.png" width="90px" height="90px" alt="advertising" title="advertising" />
             <dl class="userinfo_extra">
               <dd>has no influence</dd>
               <dd>on advertisings</dd>
               <dd>that are displayed by</dd>
               <dd>Google Adsense</dd>
        <div class="postbody">
          <br />
          &nbsp;&nbsp;<!- Your Google Adsense Code for a 336x280px large rectangle -->
           <div class="cleardiv"></div>
      <div class="postfoot">
         <div class="textcontrols floatcontainer">
           <span class="postcontrols">&nbsp;</span>
      <hr />


Make sure to check and adapt especially domain to fit your forum.

For better blending I use my Websites Logo as “Avatar” to make it look more like a post.

For the same reason I added the “we have no influence…” part below the “Avatar”.

You can remove the whole “userinfo_extra” part, if you don’t like the text.

This Advertising will only be shown if a thread has at least 1 reply because I display 2 large rectangles in each thread to guests.

One after the first post and this one after the last. If a thread has 0 replies both advertisings would show below each other and that would be to much.

If you don’t use “Adsense Integration as second post – admin optimized blending” simply remove the condition:

AND !$thread[replycount] == 0

Of course feedback is welcome and if you have suggestions to further improve CTR please let me know!

Kind regards


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