(written by JamesColin)
Hi, it wasn’t the case before, I don’t know how long ago it was that the link units were displaying different keywords, so they could be placed one above the other (for instance as 160×90 blocks) in a sidebar, to make it look like a menu.
But now I see all three link units are identical, not only on my own adsense account, but on many (at least I notice it when the webmaster puts 2 or 3 link unit close to each others, because it’s easy to notice)
For instance, on a page about samsung, I’ll see 3 keywords such as samsung s3, samsung galaxy note, samsung galaxy tab in one link unit, and the same keywords in the same order in the other 2 link units..
So now it fails to perform as a menu in the sidebar, it just looks like one menu of three links repeated 3 times..
Have you noticed that too for yourself or not?
I figured this had to do with me and my cookies.
But it seems to be for some other reason we don't know yet.
Seems to be a bug in AdSense.
Anyone reported it on the AdSense Forums?
But are we sure it's an error, maybe just a change from adsense so the link unit will not be used as a menu one above the others, and if they are located in different places, it doesn't matter if they have the same keywords if they are the most paying keywords for the page's content.
We'll see how it goes: Google Groups
During the past several years I have been asking for a solution for the former collapsible ad units and although about a year and a half ago I managed to have a Google person answer me on the Google forum telling me that their engineers were looking into a solution absolute silence reins since.
Probably the Google engineers are unable to come up with a solution, or Google simply doesn´t care about finding a solution and rather leaves us editors with ugly whitespace when they can´t show an ad on our sites.
It's remarkable to see that not one single site owner reported this link units problem, until now.
I cross my fingers for better luck on your mission.
Collapsible ad units still doesn´t work, no fix for this important function has been provided after years of waiting for Google to come with a promised solution.