(written by Waleed Barakat)
I have a responsive games website which can be visible on Desktop, Mobile, Tablet and any other devices.
I have added three ad unites at the above the fold section but it can be shown as three only at desktop, but on mobile or tablet it show 1 or 2 or 3 depending on the screen size.
The question is:
Is there is a problem in CPC or click through in this case?
I see the CPC is down and dead.
The website is:
Al3abMizo (Resource no longer exists)
Have you tried placing ads within your content? Ie, 1/2 way through the post, or right at the bottom of the article? Everyone's traffic is different, but those usually perform much better.
Hi, so first off, although it is technically allowed to place 3 ad units in a row at the top (above the fold), and as far as I know it (by itself) can't put your adsense account in jeopardy per se, there are several reasons why it would be a terrible idea for your site's traffic patterns and your pocketbook....
Because the ads are contextual/intent/behavior based, the ad script is the first part of the visible (above the fold) script to load, and if all 3 of them are right there up top, it's going to REALLY slow down your page loading speed... Not only is that extremely annoying for users, who may be much more likely to bounce off your site and on to your competitors before ever allowing your page to finish loading a first time, but Google weighs page load speed fairly heavily in SEO rankings, so it would inevitably lead to less organic traffic...
For (again) for SEO purposes, Google places a huge emphasis on how much original, valuable, and relevant content appears above the fold as well as above the fold code-to-text ratio....in fact, arguably the MOST important SEO Ranking factors (current) relate specifically to the FIRST content to load - the first thing googlebot reads (mimicing human behavior, it reads from Top of the page (high above the fold) down, focusing on Text/Headers/Content, quality, and relevance...If all it sees above the fold at all are images and ads/ad code, it's going to look like spam/nonsense/link farm/"thin content" to the google bots, which would be about the worst thing to happen to your site
And from a more simple standpoint: the more of your "above the fold" space is consumed with ads (which count as code) the less room is available for content, which means you're shooting yourself in the foot in terms of getting the site ranked based on the "important above the fold content".... Additionally, if the first thing a user sees when visiting yours site is 3 ads practically on top of each other taking up the majority of the "above the fold" viewable area, their first impression of your site will be that it has entirely too many ads and will be likely to immediately leave your site assuming that they would be met by aggressive advertising tactics on your site (whether that would be a true statement or false) and your bounce rate will skyrocket...further killing your SEO....
As if the above wouldn't be reason enough for most to rethink that strategy:
if it's presented as 3 adsense ads right away first thing they see, the average visitor is going to notice that they're being forced to view ads before getting to see what they came to your site to see, and most of them (consciously or subconsciously) will rebel against the notion and Specifically Avoid clicking on your ads....
If all 3 ads are all bunched up in one area at the very top of the page, you run the risk of missing out on clicks that would have otherwise happened had the ad been a little further down in the page, or anywhere else other tha on top of each other at the very top, also making it very easy to scroll away from....
Even more horrible yet, all of the above factors will inevitably lower your CPC....I can almost guarantee it...
Personally, I like to spread mine out throughout the content and place the ads strategically in areas where the user's eye would naturally be drawn to if they were reading/consuming the content on that page....I also don't always place the max number of ads on every page - in fact on home/landing pages I usually stick to only one (sometimes none)....Depending on the quantity of content on any given page on my site (besides home/landing) I tend to go between 2-3 per page, a comfortable distance away from one another, and in different positions (e.g. I may have one aligned left, one centered, and one aligned right, all in separate areas of the page, which not only helps the ads "make sense", but aesthetically it looks like fewer ads than if they were all in one cluster of space, and the symmetry/balance of evenly dispensing them in different alignments cab actually make them appear more "pretty" and inviting to visitors....
So, as I (somewhat) gracefully step down from my proverbial soap box, I am hoping that my long-winded reply was at least somewhat helpful to you...
Best of luck!