Navbar Ads in Vbulletin???

(written by Keynes)

Hello mates,

My first message in this great forum. 🙂

In my first message I want to discuss about navbar ads in vbulletin forums. As far as I can see, most of people use those square ads on navbar template of vbulletin.

Frankly, that’s what I did also. But from this day on, I removed the ads on navbar.

Because navbar template is a global template, and these ads are showing up everypage of forum. That’s of course a nice thing for more clicks. But what about impressions???

Navbar ads shown on homepage, category pages, error messages, member pages!

And when I checked my analytics stats about adsense, I saw that category pages get most impressions but almost none clicks. Please look at below image (this is a small part of my adsense stats from yesterday):

White lines for thread link, and yellow lines are rest of forum(most of them category pages) (By the way, I use vbseo)

Even on this small part of stats, for yellow lines there are 8504 impressions and only 10 clicks, which means 0,11 Ctr!!! My general ctr was 0,72 yesterday!

Can you believe it? 7 times lower. So I said bye bye navbar ads!

From now on, my adsense codes will be on thread pages only. I started just today, I’ll inform you about my experience.


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5 Responses to Navbar Ads in Vbulletin???

  1. admin says:
    I also used to serve 2-3 Ads on forumdisplay pages but they did not perform well so I removed them too.

    However what I use in my navbar template is this mod: AdSense integration together with nice welcome message

    And it works great, even on non thread pages.

    But if you want you can only show it on thread pages the conditions are already in the mod.

    Some say that increasing the overall CTR (like you by removing low performing Ads) will increase your earnings. Let us know what your stats say after a week.
  2. Keynes says:
    Well, it's really strange for me, but it didn't work. I was expecting, CTR will be increased, but it's decreased.

    That's what I hate about adsense. I am sure I was right about my calculations, but it didn't work as I expected.

    Best thing is improving your site content. Spending hours for adsense is just useless.
  3. admin says:
    The christmas time is not the best time to do experiments and changes to AdSense because this time has very high fluctuations and all conclusions made from stats around christmas are most likely not valid for the rest of the year.

    I will start running tests again mid January when things have normalized again.
  4. Taurus says:
    At this stage the ads I have on my forumdisplay are also not really bringing in much. Trying a sidebar with a skyscraper on my showthread now.
  5. Emath says:
    what is skyscarper?

    ive just put 728X90 ad on the navbar , and it works just great. (u may see it at putting a 250X250 ad on the navbar will interupt the users...

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