After reading so many threads about better revenue by showing less ads I wounder if that is true.
The fact is:
- The best paying ads are the first ads that are displayed on your website.
- The more ads you display the less value the last ads on your site have
(comparing to the first ad and depending on your keywords and keyword competition)
But if you only show lets say one Leaderboard to increase eCPM will this really increase your revenue?
If these 4 ads shown in this Leaderboard don’t interest the user viewing your site you wont get a click and you won’t get money from him/her.
But if you display more than one ad on your site, e.g. a Leaderboard at the top, a rectangle in the content and a link unit in the sidebar then the chances drastically increases that the user is clicking on one of your ads because it is interesting for him/her.
Therefor you won’t get as much pay for the click if he clicks a lower ad but at least you get a click.
I for myself am normally using 3 content ads and 1-2 link units on one site blended into the content so that they don’t disturb the flow of my forum.
What do you all think? Tale or truth?
This with ONE exception, the front page!
I've learned over the years that the front page needs to have the less ads possible, not because of adsense, but because of other webmasters and also perhaps other people visiting your site. So your site looks less ad cluttered. It's better to get links from other webmasters.
And anyway, the front page is not the page with most earnings, because the truth is that most visitors come from Google directly on inside pages related to their search requests, so not having ads on the home page (or just one) is not a bad thing at all.
I totally agree.
From 400k + Page Impressions only a few thousand are generated from my frontpage.
That is why I also place only one Ad there.
In so many threads I read the theory about how reducing the number of ADs on a page results in increase of your earnings. In regard to this theory the less options for ADs to click on you have the more often the clicks occur on high paying ADs.
Theory However I have never believed very much in this theory.
This theory presumes that if a user visits your site he clicks on an AD regardless of the number of choices. But is this really the case?
Let's take the above Theory and say that we run a site where only one AD is displayed.
A user now visits our site and reads a thread and between two posts is our banner with 3 ADs in it. When the user reaches the AD he has a choice.
Does one AD catches his interest and make him click?
He reads further down the thread and at the end of the thread there is another AD giving him three more links which have the chance to catch his interest.
Now he again has a choice.
If he clicks we get money.
Yes it is less money than if he had clicked on the first AD but non the less we get money from him where he otherwise would have left our site (in the worst case).
There is an article written about this theory that seems to confirm the above discussed Theory: But this article has one major flaw, see if you can find the flaw in the argument of this article: Double your AdSense earnings showing fewer ADs Did you catch the flaw in his argument? If this Example of a website would do as the article says it would earn more by reducing the number of ADs.
However in this Example the best performing banner is the last one.
All the Example shows is that the banner with the highest CTR should be loaded first to get the highest paying ADs.
Yes you can do that by removing any other banner on that page and you will increase earnings if that banner was not the first that was loaded in your HTML.
However if you would simply switch loading order of your banners using CSS positioning you would not only get the increase in earnings by having the banner with the highest CTR filled with the highest paying ADs you would also get the money from the 550 clicks on the other banners that you would not if you simply removed them.
Read more about loading order and Ad placement here: Did you take the display order of your AdSense ADs into account?
This is exactly what I did on my patient forum s few years back.
I switched the loading order of the Leaderboard banner below the navigation I was using back then with the large rectangle placed in the content as second post of each thread because the large rectangle as second post had a much higher CTR then the Leaderboard banner.
This way I increased my earnings without losing the clicks on my Leaderboard banner. Conclusion So in conclusion my theory is that displaying more ADs should increase the odds of users clicking on your ADs and increase your earnings not lower it, as long as you see to it that the AD with the highest CTR is loaded first.
Also people debating that the overall CTR and eCPM has influence on your earnings and displaying multiple banners is lowering your overall CTR and therefor your earnings.
I don't believe that.
I never really saw a field test which demonstrated evidence to one or the other side.
I believe that Google AdSense grained down its monitoring to the AD unit level and if clicks convert for Advertisers the CTR is not that important for defining the value of each click.
Read this article to read more about this: Is too much blending bad for business?
What are your thoughts?
There's a fine line in what you should display to your audience.
However these are mostly tech savvy people like webmasters.
I for example don't show Ads to my registered members.
For one because they most likely don't click on the Ads anyway and I want them to be happy and produce content which I then can monetize by displaying Ads to guests that view the content. Therefor I don't get complains from my members about seeing to many Ads ;)
I also mention in my welcoming message block (the one with the Ad) that registration is free and registered members can use the forum Ad free which hopefully is another small reason for people to register.
It is all marketing :D