AdSense ads in youtube video?

(written by Dogs and things)

Today I have uploaded my first video to youtube. It is an old piece of movie I had on my computer, adsense free.

I posted it on my forum and now I’m seeing AdSense ads in that video.

Who’s ads are this, are they published under my proper AdSense account, where do they come from?

Any idea anyone?


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3 Responses to AdSense ads in youtube video?

  1. admin says:
    As long as you are no youtube partner you wont earn money from these Ads.

    I do have videos of my own on youtube but never saw ads on them.
    • mikeo9043 says:
      As long as you are no youtube partner you wont earn money from these Ads. I do have videos of my own on youtube but never saw ads on them.
      YouTubers no longer have to be a partner to place ads on videos. Around the middle of last year YouTube started to allow regular YouTubers who upload videos here and there to monetize their videos.

      I for one got the lucky invite when they first started doing it, you can see my channel here: BobloKid - YouTube Basically every time I upload a video to YouTube I have the option to monetize it as it is being uploaded.

      I have to check mark that it has no copyrighted materials, music, etc, etc. then you have to write a small summary of what exactly the video is about.

      Once the video is finished uploading, your request to have the video monetized is reviewed(usually takes minutes) then an ad is placed on the video.

      The difference between this and a partner is the partner has better promotional tools; i.e - profile customization, channel logos instead of channel usernames and last that I can remember right now which is one of the biggest is thumbnail customization which means they can upload whatever image they want as the thumbnail where as non-partners have only 3 stills that YouTube selects from your uploaded video.

      As for the original post, there was definitely copyrighted material in your movie that you uploaded and YouTube's copyright system detected it as it was being uploaded.

      In the rare occasion they will take down the video fully but usually they just throw up an Ad so the copyright holder can make their money and not complain to YouTube.
  2. Dogs and things says:
    I believe I figured out what happened.

    The soundtrack of that video, both very old, the movie is over a 100 years old, was identified by the system as a possible infraction of the american copyright laws. This causes adsense ads to appear, apparently as an intent to contribute the benefits they generate to some american association of copyright guardians.

    After I filled out a form in which I stated that I consider the contents of my video as free of copyright the ads disappeared. I don´t know yet if I will receive any answer after youtube has considered my argumentation.

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