(written by weheh)
Hi everybody. Apologies if you consider this an old topic. But I’m hoping things may have changed so I’m trying this post here.
I develop reasonably high-traffic (250K-pages per month and growing), dynamic websites with rich, user-generated content. My CTR is around 0.5% and from what I’ve researched, it could be 10x bigger.
My sites use ajax to update divs with content served from an sql database in response to a user click on a link. This way, only a part of the page is updated and there is no flash to white you see on ordinary pages when an entire page is loaded.
Problem is, I doubt adsense is able to crawl my site and serve relevant ads in response to user content. For instance, if user has an expert article on automobile maintenance, I’m not seeing ads for auto dealers or parts dealers (just an example, not a real case). I only get generic ads.
I’ve done a lot of research on getting adsense to serve relevant ads to ajax-generated content and can’t get a definitive answer for how to improve ad targeting. I would love to be able to send an ajax call to adsense to deliver exactly the content of interest without irrelevant navigation, TOS or user profile link information.
Can anyone offer suggestions for how to get Google to crawl my ajax-generated content and, thereby, serve better ads?
I know that google bot now has the ability to crawl sites with ajax-generated content using the #! hash tag. But does adsense do anything similar?
Looking forward to a definitive answer from this expert community. Thanks!
Maybe they can help you