(written by Blackpool Rocks)
I have just received a Policy Violation, the violation says “Template site”, is this because I run part of my site on Subdreamer and the Adverts are placed on every page of the site automatically.
Would I just be able to run the advertisements on the home page so they are not replicated throughout?I also run vBulletin, do you also know if it is ok to run adsense on there?
Made me totally worried sick, hopefully you can offer advice so that I am able to correct.
I have removed all Adsense from main site and left them just on the forum and don’t mind leaving it like that if then they will be reinstated.
Thank you in advance.
This is definitely not the problem here.
Maybe you parse them on a lot of pages without or little content which would be a violation.
You should look deeper.
Or try to ask in the AdSense Help Forums