(written by supermak)
Hi, my name’s Mark and I’m from Buenos Aires. I like to optimize adsense in every pixel I have the oportunity to… I just registered cause I was wondering about a ctr…
My sites:
- Friki.net – Lo Mejor y Lo Peor de Internet
- (Resource no longer exists)
🙂 regards to everyone
Regarding your Flash Game part of your first site, did you read this?
Avoiding accidental clicks Pt. 1: Keeping the right distance - Inside AdSense
Anyways welcome aboard ;)
and an example is this: https://www.friki.net/juegos/60590-laser-cannon-killthem.html
Google suggest placing Ads in a distance of 150px from flash games.
Due to the nature of flash games and the extensive clicking that some of them require accidental clicks often happen in the "heat of action".
Accidental clicks are clicks that don't convert and therefor are bad for the advertiser.
The more accidental clicks you produce on your website the more smart pricing comes into play for your website reducing your earnings.
Read this to get an idea why it is so important that your Ads complement your inventory to increase the user experience: Is too much blending bad for business?
Also read this: Whats up with that smart pricing?