How to set up Google AdSense as Line Item using DFP Small Business

< DFP Small Business Tutorial


This post is my old way of setting up AdSense with DFP.

I no longer recommend this approach because I figured out a way around the old limitation of styling and adding AdSense Custom channels to the build in AdSense option of DFP.

You can follow this guide if you want but the new method is easier. Read: How to set up Google AdSense using DFP Small Business build in AdSense option. You only need to follow this approach if you want to run Split Tests for specific Ad Units.

Create a new Order and name it like “YourWebsite – Google AdSense”. Now click on Company > Add a new company. As Name use ‘Google AdSense’ and as Type select ‘Ad Network’ and click save.

Now create a Line Item for each Ad Unit you have on your website. Here it is important to create a separate Line Item for each Ad Unit which serves an AdSense Ad Unit that has its own unique channel. Check your AdSense Ad Units to see which Line Items you need to create.

For more information on AdSense Channels read this: Different strategies to use AdSense Channels

Name the Line Item to describe the placement on your website and define the Inventory Size for this Line Item like we did in the example.

Now to the settings.

For Type select ‘Network’, for Start Time select ‘immediately’ and for End Time select ‘Unlimited’.
For Rotate creatives select ‘Evenly’ and leave the rest of the settings as they are.

Now select the Ad Unit you want this Line Item to be served on and click save.

Repeat this step for each of your AdSense Ad Units that you track with a separate channel so that you have a separate Line Item for each AdSense Ad Unit.

Now select the first Line Item you just created, click on Add Creatives and select ‘Third party »’

Switch to your AdSense Account and get the Code for the AdSense Ad Unit that you want to display in this Line Item and past the code into the Code snippet box. DFP will recognize AdSense code.

Give it a descriptive Name and click Save.


Now DFP is telling you that this Order has not yet been approved which means
it will not be delivered until you do. Approve it by clicking on the ‘Approve” Button.


Repeat the above step of adding your AdSense Code to each Line Item you just created until all Line Items have their AdSense Code as Creative assigned to them.

After you added a new Creative to a Line Item the status of the creative says ‘Ready‘.

It can take up to 60 Minutes before a creative starts to be delivered. Once it starts the Status will change to ‘Delivering‘.

Now your AdSense Ads are delivered on your websites via DFP Small Business.

Be careful with Using DFP Small Business for opening AdSense in a new window.

< DFP Small Business Tutorial

5 Responses to How to set up Google AdSense as Line Item using DFP Small Business

  1. Me says:
    How do I make it so that I can have up to three different ad sizes each load up on one ad unit slot for each visit? For example, a page loads and medium rectangle is shown, then next time the page is loaded, skyscraper is shown, on that same spot. please help.
  2. Muhammad Asghar says:
    Dear Sir, i really like you work and want some help. I signup in dfp sb before 3 days ago. Go to inventory and create ad unit and then go to placement and then Generate tags and place in our webpages. It was work fine, but from yesterday ads are now showing on my webpages. Then i read this article and create Order with type NETWORK and goto adsense in my ads and create ad unit and paste in creative with third party. Now order status is delivering, i see impression in dfp but ads are not showing yet. Kindly resolve this. I am not technically equiped. So please give me step by step guide.

    Website pages where i place ads is

  3. Drs Si Rajin Begadang says:
    How I put the code on my website I need Help
  4. azhar khan says:
    Is it possible I can manage adsense ads through DFP without putting ad sense snippet in my DFP interface. I want to know answer below post that you have written. Because I am managing my client DFP account. I don't have adsense access .

    "Switch to your AdSense Account and get the Code for the AdSense Ad Unit that you want to display in this Line Item and past the code into the Code snippet box. DFP will recognize AdSense code. Give it a descriptive Name and click Save."

  5. Me says:
    Thanks for the info, admin. I actually thought it was possible due to your posts on "split test." I thought that was what you meant, and spent five hours looking up how to do it.

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