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Tag Archives: digg
SheToldMe.com – a Digg-like with AdSense Revenue Sharing
(written by JamesColin)
Hello, I’d like to show you (Resource no longer exists)
It’s a Digg-like based on the CMS Drupal with the main module used being Drigg, unfortunately the module’s author has disappeared (we don’t know if he’s dead or what) and no-one has had the ability to take the module to another level.
But it is functional as it is, so I use it.
I also made this site an adsense revenue sharing site so that members will have one more reason to use it over the thousands of other Digg-like sites based on Pligg script which are left empty or rather full of spam after a few months, their “creators” abandoned them for lack of activity.
I also made a referral program to give existing members an incentive to recruit more members for me.
This way, in over one year and a half I have been able to get it off the ground and I’m happy for that because it is not easy to attack the english speaking market especially with such an unoriginal site as a Digg-like.
I know have thousands members, tens of thousands posts and several thousands unique visitors per day.
The graphic design is very basic, because I never paid someone to take care of that and relied only on my limited skills.
Please tell me if you have suggestions about anything regarding this site.