Tag Archives: visitors

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4K visitors/16K views per day, no $

(written by Asja)

My site gets 5K visitors, 16K views per day but I earn basically nothing with Adsense.

I get maybe 30-40 clicks per day.

My site serves visitors mostly outside the US, and almost all traffic is from bookmarks or directly entered into url. Very little from Google.

Do I have any hope of making money from this site with Adsense? If so, any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Adsense terms question

(written by kalu)

Hi, what is your opinion regarding the size of the content and the amount of ads.

For example how Google sees websites with 100-150 words and 3 ad-units and 2 link units and a search unit.

In this example are more ads then text.

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count the amount of visitors with ad block enabled

(written by webgilde)

There was recently a huge discussion in Germany about ad block that website users installed in their browser to not see any ads. Some publishers united and asked their visitors to switch off adblock.

I also thought about doing so, but I am a number person and love to base my actions on facts. So I created a counter for ad block users that tells you how many of your visitors actually use adblock. In my case the number was much lower than expected, so I can spend my time on something else.

Anyway, I developed it as a WordPress plugin and uploaded it to wordpress.org to be downloaded for free. I would love to get your feedback on it.

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How to encourage people to participate in a forum

(written by ravel)


I am running a small forum for about a year. The forum has about ~700 posting so there is already some food for google to bring people on my website.

But there is hardly no one who participates in my forum. I get about 100 unique visitors a day due to search engines (mostly google) but all they do is reading my content and clicking my ads (what is a good thing ;)).

I am already allowing posting for guests so a registration is no longer needed to start threads.

I have a quite amout of backlinks (180 due to yahoo’s site info) and the ranking for my most important keywords is good.

What is the golden rule to make a forum a vital forum?

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