AdSense LinkUnit inside the Navbar – AdsenseExperts Exclusive

This is another AdSense implementation for your vBulletin 4.0 Forum.

This placement is exclusively released for AdsenseExperts.

You are allowed to use this placement on your own forum, however republishing this modification on other website is only allowed with prior written consent by me.

What this mod does

This mod adds a Google Adsense 728x15px Link Unit above your Forum Navigation (navbar).

Installation instructions

In the template additional.css add:

/* Link Unit inside the navbar - By AdsenseExperts */
.doc_header { 
  padding:0 0 30px; 
  border:{vb:stylevar header_border}; 
  color:{vb:stylevar header_color}; 
  font:{vb:stylevar header_font}; 

.ads_lu_navbar { 
  position: absolute; 
  left: 0; 
  right: 0; 
  margin-left: auto; 
  margin-right: auto; 
  top: 105px; 

Then open the template header and find:

{vb:raw ad_location.global_header2}

and add below:

<div id="ads_lu_navbar" class="ads_lu_navbar">


This mod shows the AD to members and guests!

If you want to show it to guests only you need to wrap this condition around the code above:

<vb:if condition="$show['guest']">


  • v1.0: initial release

Of course feedback is welcome and if you have suggestions to further improve CTR please let me know!


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11 Responses to AdSense LinkUnit inside the Navbar – AdsenseExperts Exclusive

  1. cloferba says:
    Is better to keep an empty space bewteen the adsense links and the navbar?

    on your screenshot i see a space below the adsense links, but when i apply your code i dont see that that against adsense policies?
  2. admin says:
    then increase the padding from .doc_header to 50px that should help
  3. filontheroad says:
    Is it possible to place the link ads below the nav bar?
  4. admin says:
    You can place it wherever you want, however I don't have time to work on individual requests
  5. IcEWoLF says:
    Thanks for sharing this modification, I'll give it a go!
  6. DFPexpert says:
    what are the exact tabs/units it is not clear
    • admin says:
      what are the exact tabs/units it is not clear

      I don't understand your question
  7. Taurus says:
    Thanks, this is awesome!
  8. Majora says:
    The first ad unit on every page receives the highest paying ads. If you place your first ad unit at the exact place you get the highest CTR, then you can undoubtedly increase your income tremendously.

    What about the Linkunit in the navbar?
  9. admin says:
    Link units are handled separately from ad units
  10. mugzy says:
    I couldn't find this in the template header
    {vb:raw ad_location.global_header2} 

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