Wallpaper AD v2.0 – AdsenseExperts Exclusive

This modification adds a so called Wallpaper AD to your forum.

A Wallpaper AD consists of a Leaderboard Banner (728x90px) and a Skyscraper Banner (160x600px) combined into one AD (See screenshot below).

This placement is exclusively released for AdsenseExperts.

You are allowed to use this placement on your own forum, however republishing this
modification on other website is only allowed with prior written consent by me.

To fully use the potential of this AD Placement you should use an AD Server.

I suggest using Google DoubleClick for Publisher (DFP) Small Business, which I describe in detail in my DFP Small Business Tutorial.

The beauty of this placement in combination with an Ad Server is, that the space
used by the leaderboard at the top of the forum is only filled when an AD is present.

If you don’t deliver a Wallpaper then your forum starts at the beginning of the page.

By utilizing an Ad Server you can also use frequency capping which is very often
requested by Advertisers buying Wallpaper Ads because of the high CPM that come
with Wallpapers.

Wallpaper prices are very often in the two digit CPM range.


In template header find:

<div class="above_body"> <!-- closing tag is in template navbar -->

and add BEFORE:

<div id="mainwrapper">
  <div id="lb_top" class="lb_top">
    YOUR DFP AD UNIT TAG for the 728x90px Leaderboard HERE
  <div id="main">
    <div id="ss_side" class="ss_side">
      YOUR DFP AD UNIT TAG for the 160x600px Skyscraper HERE

in template footer find:

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']">
    {vb:raw facebook_footer}

and add BELOW:

</div> <!-- Closing Div for Main -->
</div> <!-- Closing Div for mainwrapper -->


For a Fixed width forum

My forum is using a fixed width so this implementation is for a fixed width style.

In template additional.css add:

| #> Wallpaper Advertisment v2.0 - fixed width - powered by AdsenseExperts
body { 
  max-width: none; 
  width: 100%; 
#main { 
  float: none; 
  background-color: #E9E9E9; 
  padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; 

#mainwrapper { 
  position: relative; 
  width: 910px; 
  margin: 0 auto;
#lb_top { 
#ss_side { 
  left:910px; top:0; 

Like I said, my forum has a fixed width of 900px.

I have positioned the wallpaper with a 5px space to my forum (see screenshot)

You need to change the CSS Settings according to your Forum width and colors

For a Fluid Width forum

I tested it with a standard vB4 Style that is not modified.

You maybe need to make some changes to fit your style.

Instead of the CSS above add the following CSS to the additional.css template:

| #> Wallpaper Advertisment v2.0 - fluid - powered by AdsenseExperts
body { 
  max-width: none; 
  width: 100%; 
#main { 
  padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; 
  position:static; width:100%; 
#mainwrapper { 
  position:relative; width:90%; 
#lb_top { 
#ss_side { 


For a fixed width style it looks like this:


How to Setup a Wallpaper Ad with DFP Small Business

  • Create a new Ad Unit for the leaderboard banner 728x90px
  • Create a new Ad Unit for the skyscraper banner 160x600px
  • Create a new Placement called Wallpaper
  • Assign the 2 newly created Ad Units to the Wallpaper Placement
  • Create a new Order and as Inventory Sizes add: 160×600, 728×90,
  • Add the wallpaper placement to this order
  • Set “Display creatives” to “As many as possible” (this is enabling roadblocking)
  • Click save
  • Add two new creatives to the Order, one for the leaderboard and one for the Skyscraper
  • Go to your “Inventory” Tag and click on “Generate tags”
  • Add both newly created Ad Units and click on Generate tags

For the first Tag open the headinclude_bottom template and find:

{vb:raw template_hook.headinclude_bottom_css}

add the “Document header” JavaScript below then replace:

YOUR DFP AD UNIT TAG for the 728x90px Leaderboard HERE


YOUR DFP AD UNIT TAG for the 160x600px Skyscraper HERE

from the initial mode code (see above) and replace it with the corresponding
“Document body” JavaScript Tag

It can take up to one hour untill DFP starts to deliver the ADs so be patient, it works 😉

Feedback and optimization suggestions are very welcome!


  • v2.0.1: Bug fix. Forgot the closing DIVs for the footer.
  • v2.0: Complete code rewrite for maximum performance and better display. If you use an older Version UPGRADE!
  • v1.01: Bug fix in CSS definitions that made it impossible to click on buttons in the header.
  • v1.0: initial release
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10 Responses to Wallpaper AD v2.0 – AdsenseExperts Exclusive

  1. admin says:
    Today I released the Version 2.0 of my Wallpaper Modification for vBulletin 4.0.x

    This is a total code rewrite so I suggest everyone using an older Version to UPGRADE!

    The mod can be used on a fixed and a fluid style.

    I also explained how to set up a wallpaper ad using DFP Small Business as Ad Server.

    Feedback is very welcome
  2. admin says:
    Live demo until Christmas: Elternfragen.net

    The wallpaper shows to every visitors 5 times per hour.

    So if you want to see how it looks when the wallpaper is not shown, refresh the page 5 times.
  3. unicorn says:
    I need to implement a Wallpaper like this:


    Could you help me to adapt your code so I could implement this?
  4. admin says:
    Get the firebug extension for Firefox and play with my CSS.

    Most likely it is done with a position change to relative and left to 750px But why this way?
  5. admin says:
    I forgot the closing DIVs for the footer template.

    The Mod is not updated to v2.0.1

    If you are using this mod please add the closing DIVs to your footer template.
  6. Kolbi says:
    Have you tried this already on a fluid style?

    I have the problem that I get a horizontal scrollbar?
  7. admin says:
    I have tried it on a clean out of the box vbulletin fluid style.

    However I think I had to set the max. width to 95% or something.

    Can't remember. I don't use fluid styles anymore for a long time now.

    But it should work without scrollbars
  8. Kolbi says:
    Okay thank you :)

    Tried this on a custom style. Set the doc_width so ~80%...

    It's now more or less working.

    Do you know which is the most used resolution?
  9. admin says:
    I optimized my forums to 1024x768 and I think that would work for most users.

    If you use Google Analytics you can check which resolution your visitors use the most.

    If you don't use Google Analytics I'd suggest either use it or some equivalent Statistics program
  10. Unfifex says:
    Is there a possibility to change the code so that it is loaded from the footer? That would make a website much faster.

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