Here is my crown jewel

I am a pediatrician working on an intensive care unit for premature infants and I am in the community building business for over 10 years.

5 Years ago when I was a student I started a forum for patients to ask medical questions.

Since then my former hobby has build into a full grown business.

I learned so much about website building, promotion, seo, advertising, link building and community management over the years and now it pays of.

The main secret to the success of my forum is that it totally focuses on delivering on its promise to my visitors.

I want them to get help with their medical problem and that is what we provide.

However the business site on my project is also important to me and that is one reason this forum exists in the first place.

The Adsense Placements on my forum are near perfect.

However if you have suggestions or ideas for improvements I am all ears

Kind regards


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10 Responses to Here is my crown jewel

  1. olegb says:
    great to hear you are a doctor, I graduated medicine this year, too and as you,

    I learned SEO and site building on the fly, aside my medical school.

    I'm yet not so successful as you are on internet, but I still struggle with it, hoping one day I'll get my jackpot )) lol
  2. admin says:
    The medical niche is great and as a doctor I would make it your first choice for creating websites. The medical niche is one of the most lucrative niches for advertising.

    • outofstate says:
      ok, patient fragging?

      lol, in the gaming community that interprets to patient killing

      it's a very nice site (*_*)
  3. JamesColin says:
    admin why didn't you put your english forum on another domain name instead of a folder of your german site?
  4. admin says:
    The English version is auto translated via Google.

    It actually does not exist.

    However, besides the not completely developed software that I use to translate my forum, it is quite beautiful.

    You can set your language to English and you see everything in English.

    You can even write in English.

    German users however will see all your posts in German and can answer in German.

    The only problem is that Google Translate is far from good so far.

    But in a few years automatic translations will have evolved to the point where reading a translated thread does not make you think a third grader has written it ;)
  5. JamesColin says:
    Thanks for your answer, It must be especially hard for online translators for such a specialized vocabulary as your forum topic. Lot of confusion can arise.

    But I understand it is more for increasing traffic than for really targeting the english patients themselves.

    If you wanted to target english patients you would go with an independant domain name. But I understand it would be very very hard work to get a brand new forum off the ground especially in english where competition between webmasters is several times stronger than in local markets such as France and Germany.
  6. supermak says:
    Hi, I'd just registered cause I saw your medical website and guessing about your CTR with that placement?

    Can u say something about this? (it's not again adsense tos)

    :) thanks
  7. admin says:

    The CTR is amongst those values that are confidential by Google ToS.

    Also what placement are you referring to?

    If you mean the ad next to welcome message then it has the highest CTR I have ever achieved for a forum so far.

    If you mean the Ad inside the first post, it does ok with the welcome ad present.

    If it would be the first Ad on the page it would perform much better in regards to CTR. Right now the welcome Ad gets most of the attention.

    I hope this answers your question.

  8. supermak says:
    Thanks for answering, yes, I was refering to the welcome message.

    Did you try removing the border and placing the "search keywords" when the user cames from a Serp?
  9. admin says:
    I don't really get your question?

    I don't want the border around the welcome message removed, it is part of the blending.

    And the search keywords are for SEO and not very user relevant, so the footer placement is just fine.

    Or what did you mean?

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