AdSense integration together with nice welcome message

This mod adds a Google Adsense large rectangle below the navbar together with an eye catching welcome message and a call to action (registration).

This ad is the best performing ad on my forum. I run a forum with a fixed width and I think that on a fluid style this mod won’t look that good, but give it a try if you want.

Installation instructions

In the template navbar find:

{vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}

and add below:

<vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search'  AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
  <div class="ads_lr_wrapper">
    <div class="ads_lr">
    <div class="ads_lr_welcome">
      <p id="welcome_bold_big">Welcome to YOUR FORUM NAME</p><br />
      <p id="welcome_normal">your forum for YOUR THEME</p><br />
        <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  some things people find</li>
        <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  on your forum</li>
        <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  some reasons why</li>
        <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  guests should register</li>
      <p id="welcome_bold">...then you have come to the right place!</p><br />
      <p id="welcome_normal">we will try to help you with your problem.</p><br />
      <p id="welcome_bold_big"><a href="">YES! I want to register an account for free right now!</a></p><br />
      <p id="welcome_small">p.s.: For registered members YOUR FORUM NAME is free of ads</p>

In template additional.css add:

| #> Large Rectangle Ad + Welcome Text below navbar
.ads_lr_wrapper {
  border: 2px solid #274C84;
  background: #ffffff;
  padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
  margin-left: auto;
.ads_lr {
  position: relative;
  background: #ffffff;
  width: 336px;
  margin-left: 10px;
  margin-right: 30px;

.ads_lr_welcome {
  background: #ffffff;
  position: relative;
  width: 460px;
  margin-top: 10px;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: 10px;

#welcome_normal {
  text-align: left;
#welcome_small {
  text-align: left;

#welcome_bold {
  text-align: left;

#welcome_bold_big {
  text-align: left;

Notes, Problems, Solutions

Make sure to check and adapt especially domain to fit your forum.

Of course you should customize the welcome text to fit your forum and change the colors and size of the welcome box to fit your forums theme.

Side note

  • Due to the large amount of text in the welcome box every search engine will index this text for all your webpages first.
  • I changed my text to an image with an image map so that the link is still clickable. You might want to do the same.
  • You can create your image map on this website if you don’t know how:

Problem: I can’t see my Ad!

  • Solution 1: You are logged in as Member. View your forum as guest because the welcome box will only be shown to guests.
  • Solution 2: You are displaying the standard vBulletin Guest welcome notice (the ugly yellow one).Either deactivate it in your ACP or remove the condition:
    AND !$show['notices'] from my code

Problem: I see the welcome but no Ads

  • Solution 1: If you created your AdSense Ad Unit just now wait about 30 minutes and it should show up.
  • Solution 2: Disable your Ad Blocking Software 😉 Sometimes Firewall Software also sometimes blocks Ads.

Of course feedback is welcome.

If you have suggestions to further improve CTR please let me know!

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155 Responses to AdSense integration together with nice welcome message

  1. admin says:
    1 month ago I made a big change to my website that hopefully will increase my earnings a lot over time.

    So far I made extensive use of Adsense channels to track each of my Ads separately. I also activated "placement targeting" for the best performing ad placements.

    However I did not realize the full potential of "placement targeting" until 3days after I talked to my direct advertising marketer.

    Q: What is the main goal of an advertiser? A: To show there ads to their target group which most likely will convert

    Q: Is wider or narrower targeting more effective? A: I think it depends but mostly the more narrow the target group is, the better the Ads perform

    Just as info to you: CPM prices for a very narrow targeting e.g. topics about "cough" or "skin rash" are 40-50$ (campaigns that my direct advertising marketer runs) Campaigns that are not that narrow e.g. health only get 10-20$ CPM. Yes, it makes that much of a difference.

    So what did I do?

    I created a separate channel for each forum category that is interesting to advertisers e.g. health, diseases, nutrition, alternative medicine, etc. for the ad in this welcome message.

    Each of these channels was selected for placement targeting and got a description that outlined the topics in which these ads will be shown.

    Then I created several large rectangle ads and assigned each one a category channel I created before.

    Now each thread in a specific forum shows the Ad with the channel that was created for this specific forum. (At the bottom you'll find the condition chain I created to show different ad channel in each forum)

    Now each advertiser can narrow down the placement targeting on my website to a certain topic which suites his campaign best.

    For example an advertiser who is selling homeopathy can now target his Ads to my forum "alternative medicine" and his ads are only shown to people interested in "alternative medicine".

    This way conversion and CTR should increase quite a bit and a lot more advertisers should use placement targeting on my website over time and with that increase my earnings.

    To understand the naming concept for channels that I use read my post: The Secret to using Channels

    Remember if you create these channels activate placement targeting for each channel and use a informative description! I used:
    Show this channel to advertisers as an ad placement: YES Ads appear on: other pages > TOPIC of the forum (e.g. alternative medicine) Ad location: Top Center Description: Your Ads will only appear on discussion pages with the topic "Topic of your forum". Short Description of my website.
    and here is the condition code you can wrap around the above posted mod code:
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search'  AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'index' AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'showthread' AND  !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
    WELCOME Message + LARGE RECTANGLE that is shown on all places except Homepage, Threads and Search.
    I called the channel "PatFra - LR - Welcome Remainder"
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
     <div class="ads_lr_wrapper">
      <div class="ads_lr">
       <vb:if condition="$GLOBALS[forumid] == ForumID">
        ADSENSE Code for Large Rectangle shown on all Threads (and threads only!) in my "Health and prevention" forum
        Channel: PatFra - LR - WT - Health & Prevention
        (PatFra = = Website Tag | LR = Large Rectangle =  Ad Size | WT = Welcome message in Thread = Ad Location | Health &  Prevention = Forum / Topic)
       <vb:elseif condition="$GLOBALS[forumid] == ForumID" />
        ADSENSE Code for Large Rectangle shown in my "Deseases" Forum
        Channel: PatFra - LR - WT - Deseases
       <vb:elseif condition="$GLOBALS[forumid] == ForumID" />
        and so on.......
       <vb:else />
        ADSENSE Code for Large Rectangle shown in all Forums that are not interesting for placement targeting
        e.g. introductions, shit chat, news, etc.
        Channel: PatFra - LR - WT - Rest
      <div class="ads_lr_welcome">
      Welcome message, for the code look in the mod thread above
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
     Welcome Message and Adsense Large rectangle Ad shown on Forum index only.
     Channel: PatFra - LR - Welcome Home
     This ad location is also interesting for many advertisers because
     some advertisers want to only show their ads on the homepage and not on subpages.
    To discuss my approach on Placement Targeting please go to this thread: Do you harness the full potential of placement targeting?

    Kind regards

  2. Toon says:
    Can imagine it pays really well plus you've made it blend in nicely to the forum style
  3. admin says:
    Yes. It has the highest CTR I was ever able to constantly reach on a forum.
  4. Toon says:
    Just goes to show adsense and style can go hand in hand. Congrats with the new forum
  5. admin says:
    Thank you :)

    I was always a fan of nice blending with the visitor experience in mind.

    I hate it to plaster Ads on my site without them adding real value to my users experience.
    • Kolbi says:
      Little bug in template code must be
      <br />
      instead of
    • fabioski says:
      The script work only using:
      <vb:if condition="$show['guest'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'register'">
      If I use
      <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search' AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
      it doesn't work. Bye
    • munnakv says:
      admin, I have a question for you.

      I was trying to implement this mod for my 3.8 forum.

      I see in adsense ad in your website (Resource no longer exists) , the large rectangle does not show "Next ads" (the <> navigation to more ads at the left bottom of the ad.)

      For me, I am getting this "Next ads".

      How did you do that?

    • ijob says:
      Hi there,

      I have a display issue when a member uses the google search. It looses all styling....

  6. JamesColin says:
    I must admit, I've spotted this ad placement when I first went to your forum, it is extremely well blended, you know what it simply is the border around both blocks, left and right, and the fact that adsense is the left one.

    Of course the colors are what they should be. That makes an ideal ad placement, with no other adsense block above, so it gets the best paying ads.

    Congrats and thank you for the code implementation although I don't have forums and don't want any.
  7. admin says:
    And with none technical users they think that the ads belong to the page.

    When I showed my forum to my brother he said "oh you have 8 doctors online currently?" and I said "no, this is an advertisement" :D
    • CThiessen says:
      thanks for that.

      First of all i simply like the welcome message.

      As I use a fluid Template so i change it slightly.

      I add a additional CSS Class for a 100% Background and center your code.

      As background Color i use the same that i yous for the navbar Background.

      That is optical a good way to put the different widths together.

      Greetings Christian
  8. Toon says:
    How is the best way to centre it if you're using a fluid layout?
    • ihstiv says:
      We just implemented this welcome banner system plus first post and a site wide footer leaderboard in my vbulletin forum and both my adsense earnings, and new user registrations have almost doubled overnight. thank you!!
  9. Toon says:
    Got it to work by putting the width at 100% and the right margin at -5px.

    Thanks for the share of the code, the welcome ad looks so much neater now I'll report back any changes.
  10. admin says:
    Actually I would suggest you use my code with the fixed width and position the welcome box on the left side of your forum without resizing it.

    You could center the whole welcome box but I really would not make it resizable.

    On large screens like mine the big distance between ad and welcome text does not work like the idea behind this intended.

    The idea is to have the AD directly next to the welcome text to make it part of the content.

    The more distance there is between Ad and welcome text the less it will work.
  11. Taurus says:
    Man, I don't know where to comment first.

    I have spend the last day just slurping up the wonderful wealth of information on this forum.

    Thank you so much!!

    I have one question on this mod here.

    If you look at my screenshot attached, the text is not aligned to the left like on your forum.

    Can you perhaps help me with getting that done please?

  12. admin says:
    Send me the url and I take a look ;)
    • Taurus says:
      Send me the url and I take a look ;)

      Thank you very much! Here you go: (Resource no longer exists)
  13. admin says:
    add a
    text-align: left;
    to the .ads_lr_welcome CSS and you are done ;)
  14. Taurus says:
    OK great. That did it. Thank you very much.

    I just see that for some reason my forum sidebar is gone when I use this. (For a guest) As soon as I log in, I see it again. Can this mod of yours cause this perhaps?
  15. admin says:
    Possibly. I don't use the side bar.

    Try to place the Code somewhere else in the navbar template.
  16. peterherman says:
    i like this Tool, and i have integrated it into my Board. Thanks very much.

    But i have a little Problem. In the Imprint Site (German Impressum) i dont like to show it. How can i remove it from the Imprint Site?

    Any Ideas?

  17. admin says:
    use a condition
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'YourImprintPage'> welcome code </vb:if>
    • peterherman says:
      use a condition <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'YourImprintPage'> welcome code </vb:if>
      Hello admin,

      sorry, can you help me please once again; please tell me where i can place this code? In the navbar?

      And where there?

      I don't want the Adsense Integration to my Imprint Page.

      Thanks alot
  18. Taurus says:
    Just wanted to sincerely thank you for this.

    This has jumped to my second biggest income ad in less than a week.

    I also just centered it on my fluid skin, and I think it looks OK.

    The tips I got on this site is really fantastic, and has made a huge difference in my adsense income.

    Thank you very much admin!
  19. admin says:
    You are welcome :)
  20. Ricky says:
    You know, I visited your site as Guest, was browsing through various topics to see the quality of posts and I found them good.

    However, I visited your site (Resource no longer exists) and saw the welcome ads for guest.

    I really liked the blend you did and I then decided to register as I know you are doing good work and research.

    Hopefully I will continue here, currently busy in my revamping my old forum to VB.

    Good luck.
  21. Ricky says:
    I implemented your idea on my site, there is slight difference as my site is with fluid width.

    Here is one such page : The World of Employment in India - Career Situation - Sharing My Experience !:eTI

    However, I saw almost no effect in CPM, its only available to guest. Prior to your idea, I was using something similar, ie. showing ads similarly but without border etc. and with only intro to thread along side, now I have used intro to site also.

    Very bad CTR though, between 1-2% ..

    What do you suggest, what I can do to improve CTR, currently I am thinking to change the location of word "advert" or I should completely remove it as one of my other site, I once I had removed it, CTR doubled and CPM still not affected even after 6-7 months.
  22. admin says:
  23. Ricky says:
    Oh my bad, in that thread I am actually referring to a WP site but forgot to mention its link. However, here I am referring to
  24. admin says:
    Yes, my mistake ;) Thx
  25. Toon says:
    Is there a way to keep this after an upgrade, I keep having to install it after every update?
  26. Kolbi says:
    Ähm normally it shouldn't be removed after an update. But perhaps have a look at TMS :)
    • Toon says:
      Ähm normally it shouldn't be removed after an update. But perhaps have a look at TMS :)

      Thanks for your advice, obviously having never used it, could you explain the best way to have this adsense addon by using the TMS?
  27. Toon says:
    What is TMS?
  28. Toon says:
    Is there a newer version, I always run the most recent VB
  29. Kolbi says:
    Works with 4.1.1 as well :)
  30. admin says:
    I would not want to upgrade my forums without it :p
  31. Kolbi says:
    Well, you'll need only one TMS entry.

    New tms for the Master Style, choose template header insert first:
    {vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}
    than choose the option add below and insert in the second field:
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search'  AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
      <div class="ads_lr_wrapper">
        <div class="ads_lr">
        <div class="ads_lr_welcome">
           <p id="welcome_bold_big">Welcome to YOUR FORUM NAME</p><br />
           <p id="welcome_normal">your forum for YOUR THEME</p><br />
             <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  some things people find</li>
             <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  on your forum</li>
             <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  some reasons why</li>
             <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b>  guests should register</li>
           <br />
           <p id="welcome_bold">...then you have come to the right place!</p><br />
           <p id="welcome_normal">we will try to help you with your problem.</p><br />
           <p id="welcome_bold_big"><a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '']);" href="">YES! I want to register an account for free right now!</a></p><br />
           <p id="welcome_small">p.s.: For registered members YOUR FORUM NAME is free of ads</p>
    The css part I would insert into additional.css as well.
  32. Toon says:
    And that will remain there inserted after every VB upgrade or do I have to do anything to add it back in?

    PS. Thanks for the help
    • Kolbi says:
      If you provide me admin access I can integrate it for you - if you want.

      I you got the system who TMS works you will love it!
  33. Kolbi says:
    This modification will be inserted automatically.

    If it is able to find the first text field.
  34. admin says:
    The search code is in the template "navbar"

    TMS is a on-the-fly search and replace feature.

    It makes editing original templates unnecessary.

    Ater each upgrade TMS will tell you if any TMS modification does not work anymore with the new templates
    (this means it can't find the search code anymore).

    You can then correct it and rebuild all TMS modifications
    (that is one click) and you are done.

    I LOVE this mod and would not want to miss it.

    Greatest mod ever.
  35. Toon says:
    Thanks guys, I'll have a go and let you know how I get on. What about style changes, for example my template is paid for but I make small edits. For example I change all text to Arial, can this be handled by the TMS and how would it work for say css styles?
    • fabioski says:
      Very usefull thread! Thanks, I hope to be able to implement in my vbulletin4 forum site.
    • Kolbi says:
      Thanks guys, I'll have a go and let you know how I get on. What about style changes, for example my template is paid for but I make small edits. For example I change all text to Arial, can this be handled by the TMS and how would it work for say css styles?

      Sorry I don't understand all clearly. But I try to answer.

      TMS is working with CSS Templates as, well. You can for example implement nearly all changes into TMS.
      • Toon says:
        Sorry I don't understand all clearly. But I try to answer.

        TMS is working with CSS Templates as, well. You can for example implement nearly all changes into TMS.

        How do you use the TMS to add code to the additional.css? The file itself is blank so there's no code to add after, before or replace?
  36. engineer says:
    Hi men

    i have a fluid forum and i cant use this great adsense placement, i tested it but its deformed shape i visited also the sites wich you present to how do that for a fluid page but i didnt understand.

    can you help me please ?

    and thank you for theses ideas.
  37. peterherman says:
    i have also a fluid Forum (vB4.04) but it works great!
    • engineer says:
      i have also a fluid Forum (vB4.04) but it works great!
      hello can i see a demo please ?
      (you can send me the link by MP if you want)
  38. engineer says:
    Thank you peter i hv been on you site

    the welcome message work but its fixed and and not fluid as the forum !

    any way to get the same width as the forum ?
  39. admin says:
    When you make the welcome box fluid the distance between the ad and the welcome text varies which defeats the purpose of the initial idea behind the welcome box ad.

    The welcome box performs best when the ad is directly next to the welcome text which was created in the first place to optimize blending and prevent the "in your face" character of Ads placed alone in this position.
    • engineer says:
      When you make the welcome box fluid the distance between the ad and the welcome text varies which defeats the purpose of the initial idea behind the welcome box ad.

      The welcome box performs best when the ad is directly next to the welcome text which was created in the first place to optimize blending and prevent the "in your face" character of Ads placed alone in this position.

      yes this is exactly the problem, this distance is soo big and that dosent help in blending,
      if i can fix the adsense width i will add more texte to fill the gap, its possible to get a full wide rectangle ?
  40. admin says:
    Blank files can't be handled by TMS because the TMS is "search and replace" based.

    The additional.css however is a template that wont be overwritten with any upgrade so you are safe to add to it whatever you want ;)
  41. Toon says:
    Ah thanks for that, this is kind of my problem at the moment, I have a theme that I bought that uses the additional css to style, so after every upgrade of VB if the theme needs an upgrade I have to upload the new version.

    This seems to overwrite any changes I've made to the theme (as you'd expect) and any thing I've added to the additional.css (ie. this adsense styling) so I have to make the changes everytime, I was hoping the TMS might be a way around this.

    I'm guessing as long as my theme css ends in the same thing everytime I could still add the adsense code to the end of the additional.css everytime even if it's rewritten everytime
  42. admin says:
    Why not create a separate css template for your theme or ask the theme creator to do this.

    This way with each theme upgrade you would only overwrite css necessary for your theme.

    Would be much more elegant this way.
  43. Toon says:
    That's a good idea, thanks again
  44. Kolbi says:
    Do you prefer image or text ads? Or a combined thing?
  45. admin says:
    If you display both image and text the competition is higher and this will increase your revenue over time.
  46. Kolbi says:
    Do you always use image and text ads? Or do you only recommenend it for the welcome header?
  47. admin says:
    on all ad units
  48. Kolbi says:
    Okay, thank you. I'm justing testing it out. :)
  49. fabioski says:
    This modification double my earns! Thank you very much. I integrate it in a fluid layout.

    Very good work!
    • cheenamalai says:
      This modification double my earns! Thank you very much. I integrate it in a fluid layout.

      Very good work!

      Which ad format do you use?
  50. fabioski says:
    The same of this tutorial 336 x 250.
  51. cheenamalai says:
    300*239 performs better than 336 x 250 for me. Anyone else tested this format?
  52. admin says:
    I tried the medium rectangle but it did not perform as good as the large rectangle.

    But that is something everyone has to test for themselfs.
  53. cheenamalai says:
    What is your view in loading the welcome ad AFTER the first post ad?
    • admin says:
      What is your view in loading the welcome ad AFTER the first post ad?

      Does the first AdSense Ad Unit really gets the highest paying Ads

      I am not sure that switching the loading order will increase revenue anymore but when I have the time I will test this in the near future. It is on my list. :)

      The script work only using:

      <vb:if condition="$show['guest'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'register'">

      If I use

      <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search' AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">

      it doesn't work. Bye

      If it does not work with this setting then you are showing vbulletin notices to your guests.

      That is what this condition does:

      Only show ads if
      - the page is not the search page (THIS_SCRIPT != 'search') and
      - vBulletin does not show notices (!$show['notices']) and
      - the user is a guest ($show['guest'])

      vBulletin conditions are not that hard to read ;)
  54. cheenamalai says:
    I was thinking of implementing the navbar modification and just style it to look like the welcome.

    Also do you know a way to php include an rss feed instead of welcome info.
  55. admin says:
    Sorry I don't. Would require a php or java script for sure though
  56. Toon says:
    Where would you paste the code using the TMS?
  57. admin says:
    That is nothing I did.

    The "next ad" depends on the number of ads available for the targeted keywords on this specific webpage.
  58. TheChiro says:
    Just wanted to give some feedback on this. I hadn't used custom channels in the past the way you have said on this site so I can't really tell you what my earning difference is with this, but this was my set up before:

    2 300x250 ads in the header below navbar None in the posts


    Using this method with 1 LR with a welcome message next to it Testing a MR in the 1st post LU above "preview post" etc. links

    I can say my total earnings have taken a SLIGHT drop by removing the 2 header images and just using 1 large one. BUT, my bounce rate has dropped about 6-10+%!!! And by looking at my registration stats, I'm going to assume that the bounce rate is dropping bc of that, thus increasing my pageviews!! Here's my registration stats! Over double what I was getting:

    Seems the img button isn't working good so here:
    Image link

    Now the goal is, to convert these people into paying members!!! It's quite nice to see all my stats start increasing with just this lil change. I'm getting more returning visitors...roughly an increase of 20% since implementing this!

    Thanks to this site, I'm more informed on how I need to be keeping track of my ads, how to do split testing, and the various placements to try out! It's been great and I'm very excited to see how my revenue will increase in the future with just using these new tools presented on this site.
  59. admin says:
    Congratulations :)
  60. mimo91 says:
    how do i put it for my blogger blog (Resource no longer exists)
    please tell me
  61. admin says:
    you could replace your adsense leaderboard with the code
  62. admin says:
    Instead of
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search'  AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']">
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search'  AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'YourImprintPage'">
    at the beginning of my welcome box code.

    You need to change "YourImprintPage" of ocurse to the script name.
  63. synseal says:
    How did you get the shadow on the outer box like on your test page, looks so much better.

    Thanks again.
  64. admin says:
    I use the following CSS:
    .ads_lr_wrapper { 
      border: 2px solid #274C84;
      -moz-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;
      -khtml-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; 
      -webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;
      -moz-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
      -khtml-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
      -webkit-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
      background: #ffffff;
      padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
      margin-bottom: 10px; 
    • synseal says:
      I use the following CSS:
      .ads_lr_wrapper { width:850px; height:315px; border: 2px solid #274C84; -moz-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; -moz-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); -khtml-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); -webkit-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); background: #ffffff; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; }

      Thanks for that, I have the CSS like this but the shadow doesn't show in either FF or IE?,

      Is this correct?.
      | #> Large Rectangle Ad + Welcome Text below navbar
      .ads_lr_wrapper {
           border: 2px
           solid #2564A0;
          -moz-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;
          -khtml-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;
          -webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;
          -moz-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
          -khtml-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
          -webkit-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
          background: #ffffff;
          padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
      .ads_lr {
          position: relative;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 336px;
          margin-left: 10px;
          margin-right: 30px;
      .ads_lr_welcome {
          background: #ffffff;
          position: relative;
          width: 460px;
          margin-top: 10px;
          margin-left: auto;
          margin-right: 10px;
      #welcome_normal {
        text-align: left;
      #welcome_small {
        text-align: left;
      #welcome_bold {
              text-align: left;
      #welcome_bold_big {
              text-align: left;
      TIA. :)
  65. admin says:
    The wrapper is correct, it should show a shadow
  66. filontheroad says:
    Hy, I implemented the code on 4.1.8 but the welcome box does not show up. What did i miss?

    The URL is: (Resource no longer exists)
    • peterherman says:
      because you're logged in as a user, perhaps?
      • filontheroad says:
        Thanks for the idea, but I opened the Url in a separate browser where I am not logged in :-)
  67. admin says:
    You are displaying the guest notice.

    The Welcome box does the greeting part and does not look so good with an additional vbulletin notice (the yellow build in guest greeting).

    Deactivate your vbulletin guest welcome notice and you'll see the Box.

    Or remove the condition:
    AND !$show['notices']
  68. filontheroad says:

    thanks for the information. I just removed the condition but the box below the new welcome message still appears. Did I forget something?

    And is there a way to center it or to add some free space above the new welcome box between the ads and the welcome box?

  69. admin says:
    use margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; to center the box
  70. filontheroad says:
    Hey thank you again. But it still sticks to the ads above. Any recommendation on that?

    Should I add margin-top: 10px; for example?

    YEP that solved it :-) Thank you for the help
  71. DFPexpert says:
    do you mind allowing the URL so I could see what ad you are referring to?
  72. filontheroad says:
    DFPexpert: Thanks for your request. But the Problem is already solved.
  73. arkueckelhan says:
    Utilizing this placement now. I will let you know what kind of results I get.

    I am in the video game niche so expect a lower than average CTR and lower CPC :(
  74. Toon says:
    do you think this placement will have a negative effect with the new google rules?

    Pages With Too Many Ads "Above The Fold" Now Penalized By Google's "Page Layout" Algorithm
  75. admin says:
    I can't tell but I doubt it. I don't see any negativ effect currently, more an opposit. Since 3 weeks I get a traffic boost.

    This algorithmic change does not affect sites who place ads above-the-fold to a normal degree, but affects sites that go much further to load the top of the page with ads to an excessive degree or that make it hard to find the actual original content on the page.

    I think this part is the most important for us.

    I wont change a thing unless I am affected.
  76. Toon says:
    That's how I read it I just wondered what other people thought
  77. arkueckelhan says:
    Be VERY careful with this. I implemented this ad type and google's new algorithm STRONGLY penalizes sites with too many ads above the fold (even though I am using their ads).

    This is a new update so just measure search engine traffic for a few weeks after implementing, maybe you'll be fine. My site, , got destroyed with an 80% decrease in traffic.

    So just a fair-warning to keep alert with this new Google update.
    • admin says:
      So you are saying that after you installed this ad placement you got an 80% traffic decrease? When did you install my ad placement? When did the drop occur exactly? From how many uniques per day to how many did you drop?
      I implemented this ad type and google's new algorithm STRONGLY penalizes sites with too many ads above the fold (even though I am using their ads).
      Did you install it like it is here with the info text or did you placed 2 or more rectangles within the box without the info text? Did you place another ad unit above the fold besides my welcome box ad?

      Did you change anything else besides implementing my Ad?

      I still stand by it that I doubt that this Ad placement will trigger the new algorithm:
      This algorithmic change does not affect sites who place ads above-the-fold to a normal degree, but affects sites that go much further to load the top of the page with ads to an excessive degree or that make it hard to find the actual original content on the page.

      This new algorithmic improvement tends to impact sites where there is only a small amount of visible content above-the-fold or relevant content is persistently pushed down by large blocks of ads.
      • arkueckelhan says:
        So you are saying that after you installed this ad placement you got an 80% traffic decrease? When did you install my ad placement? When did the drop occur exactly? From how many uniques per day to how many did you drop?

        Did you install it like it is here with the info text or did you placed 2 or more rectangles within the box without the info text? Did you place another ad unit above the fold besides my welcome box ad?

        Did you change anything else besides implementing my Ad?

        I still stand by it that I doubt that this Ad placement will trigger the new algorithm:
        Ad was exactly as shown in the first post (with my own wording for members of course). No other ads above the fold except for the adsense link unit in the header that you showed in another thread. This was the only change and I used ad size 336x280.

        Site is very authoritative and been around for 9 years + with steady traffic. Went from 1,000-1,100 visitors/day to 200-250. Drop came all in one day. No other site or ad changes.

        MASSIVE NOTE: after making this post I dove very deep into my analytics and it appears that I may be having a hosting issue.

        I pay a lot of money for a good host but it appears they may have been overselling on my server and causing some issues. SO, this could simply be the result of slow page loads.

        I will update you guys as soon as I find out more from my host. Rather angry with them right now.
  78. admin says:
    Keep us posted about your findings.

    Even though I doubt that it is my ad placement I can't give you more than my guess.

    I personally wont take them down untill I see negative effects on my traffic.

    Do you have a specific date when the drop occured?
  79. Toon says:
    I have removed it after only a small drop over the last few weeks just as an experiment. After reading your post admin and thinking about it myself I agree google really shouldn't look at this as negative because in the box you have content stating exactly what the site is and a call to action button to register which to be fair is the main content of a forum as you can't do much but read without it.

    That said I just wanted to experiment and see if it changed any traffic stats I'll keep you posted. With this being my best paying ad I was slightly worried about seeing a massive drop but after one day I have seen my ad in the first post increase massively obviously due to the top on not being there. I also added the square in the last post so none of my ads appear above the main content in the thread.

    This is where I think my theory above about google's ideas might be slightly flawed as in a thread page the main content is in the posts quite far below the ad, whereas if this ad only appears on the home page of the forum it is the main content as registering is the main activity from the forum home page.

    Like I say only a test and I'll keep you updated, hope I'm wrong as I think this is the neatest and best place for an ad unit for non registered users.
    • Toon says:
      I have removed it after only a small drop over the last few weeks just as an experiment. After reading your post admin and thinking about it myself I agree google really shouldn't look at this as negative because in the box you have content stating exactly what the site is and a call to action button to register which to be fair is the main content of a forum as you can't do much but read without it.

      That said I just wanted to experiment and see if it changed any traffic stats I'll keep you posted. With this being my best paying ad I was slightly worried about seeing a massive drop but after one day I have seen my ad in the first post increase massively obviously due to the top on not being there. I also added the square in the last post so none of my ads appear above the main content in the thread.

      This is where I think my theory above about google's ideas might be slightly flawed as in a thread page the main content is in the posts quite far below the ad, whereas if this ad only appears on the home page of the forum it is the main content as registering is the main activity from the forum home page.

      Like I say only a test and I'll keep you updated, hope I'm wrong as I think this is the neatest and best place for an ad unit for non registered users.

      Put mine back to how it was, as far as my experiment went this ad position has no negative effect on google rankings.
      • peterherman says:
        Put mine back to how it was, as far as my experiment went this ad position has no negative effect on google rankings.

        How did you determine this?
  80. admin says:
    Tests are always good :)
  81. doncash says:
    How did you get the shadow around the box on your demo site?
  82. admin says:
    .ads_lr_wrapper { 
      border: 2px solid #274C84; 
      -moz-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; 
      -khtml-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; 
      -webkit-border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px; 
      -moz-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); 
      -khtml-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); 
      -webkit-box-shadow:4px 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); 
      background: #ffffff; 
      padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; 
      margin-bottom: 10px; 
  83. doncash says:
    Thank you. Good work.
    • loermann says:
      Hi there!

      Do you have a solution for a placement where the content floats arround eg a div with float:left;?

      Your current soltion adds the AdSense correctly but below this placement there is white space.

      Any idea?

  84. admin says:
    I don't really get what you mean?

    Decrease the hight of the box if you have white space below the ad.

    Or decrease margin-bottom for the distance below the welcome box
  85. admin says:
    Then you need to add the css to whichever css template is used by your google search page
  86. ijob says:
    Thanks, hopefully that wont be too hard to find
  87. blue007 says:
    It`s working very well, thank you admin - I have implemented your suggestion in my forums: Stilmagazin Forum | Forum für Stil, Kleidung, Lebensart und Genuss
  88. mmzcash says:
    Could you tell me how to center the welcome message? My site is
  89. admin says:
    go with:
    margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
    • mmzcash says:
      Where do I place the code?
      margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
  90. admin says:
    Into the css for ads_lr_wrapper
    • mmzcash says:
      That worked. Thanks for the fast reply
      • ravel says:
        This ad performs great but has anyone tried to get rid of the welcome message and place two large rectangle blocks in it? ;)

        I am curious how it performs.

        Maybe I have to try it out on my own.
  91. russel_shuvo2 says:
    I set ur forumula but porblem occurs its not showing my front page but when i log out then its showing my log out page.. so i disable this now. could u tell me how can i show its my front page.
  92. admin says:
    if you want everyone to see it remove the guest condition. You also need to disable notices or remove the notice condition for it to show when you want to show notices.
  93. Toon says:
    Just by checking analytics, placement in Search Engines etc.
  94. Jeff says:
    Hello admin,

    congralutions, nice mod and placement for Adsense!

    I am testing your nice Mod with a little modification, on a my forum (work in progress). I inserted the code for the "navbar" in a new "notice message", so I can manage well the forums where insert Google Adsense, and those forums where I can have better earns with other affiliations and programs.

    Then, I will change the text on the right, with a title and a description better for seo, and to describe well that forums.

    Please, Can I have your help to centered well your Mod on my site?

    I would like centered it as on your site, with the same width of breadcrumbs, above.

    (Resource no longer exists)

    Thank you admin, Regards
  95. admin says:
    to center: margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto;

    I would not use the yellow notices.

    Better to implement an Ad Server and create different ad units for your subforums.

    You can do that by using conditions.

    Will save you a lot of work in the long run
  96. cloferba says:
    I have copied the code you have in the first thread but it is pasted very bad

    Please try yourself
  97. admin says:
    What do you mean @cloferba?
  98. cloferba says:
    try to copy the code which is in your first is pasted in a bad format:
    <vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'search' AND !$show['notices'] AND $show['guest']"> <div class="ads_lr_wrapper"> <div class="ads_lr"> YOUR GOOGLE ADSENSE CODE HERE </div> <div class="ads_lr_welcome"> <p id="welcome_bold_big">Welcome to YOUR FORUM NAME</p><br /> <p id="welcome_normal">your forum for YOUR THEME</p><br /> <ul> <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b> some things people find</li> <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b> on your forum</li> <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b> some reasons why</li> <li><b>&nbsp;&raquo;</b> guests should register</li> </ul> <br> <p id="welcome_bold">...then you have come to the right place!</p><br /> <p id="welcome_normal">we will try to help you with your problem.</p><br /> <p id="welcome_bold_big"><a href="">YES! I want to register an account for free right now!</a></p><br /> <p id="welcome_small">p.s.: For registered members YOUR FORUM NAME is free of ads</p> </div> </div> </vb:if>

    Read more:
    • admin says:
      Then format it yourself if it does not work. The code did not change, it just does not have the line breaks to make it look nicer in source ;)
      • cloferba says:
        Then format it yourself if it does not work. The code did not change, it just does not have the line breaks to make it look nicer in source ;)
        Sure, I have done that, but why keep something with bad format when you can apply a better format? ;)
  99. admin says:
    I don't have this problem. Try pasting it into a text editor
    • cloferba says:
      I don't have this problem. Try pasting it into a text editor
      same result using any browser..
    • Joeychgo says:
      I don't have this problem. Try pasting it into a text editor

      I have this problem in both Chrome and IE9 ---- and I tried pasting it into a text editor.
  100. admin says:
    You are the only one having this problem. The Problem seems to be on your side.

    Like I said, I can't reproduce it ;)
  101. Toon says:
    The code worked fine here
  102. admin says:
    Yesterday I did a change I wanted to do for a long time.

    I changed the welcome box text to an image (including my ADVERTISING marking).

    The reason for it is that SEs are indexing all my pages with my welcome box text as snipped which isn't that good SEO wise :)

    Changed it here too so if you want to have a look just log out and check the welcome box

    If you run my Ad Placement you might want to consider the same
  103. Taurus says:
    Can you please update your code, or add an alternative to do that please? Add an image. Thank you so much.
  104. peterherman says:
    At my sides, they still indicate the correct text.

    Should I still make the changes?
    • Taurus says:
      OK....awesome. I got it working now. Sorry for the noob questions.
  105. admin says:
    @Taurus: that would not make much sense because the image would be a different size for every website

    Just put the image code and the image map code inside the
    <div class="ads_lr_welcome"> </div>
    and remove the text.

    @peterherman: You don't need to if your pages get indexed right however it can't hurt either
  106. Taurus says:
    OK, I got my image map code. But how to add that in your code you give in the OP? And which code should I use?

    CSS code, or HTML code?

    Thank you.
  107. admin says:
    look one post up there is your answer ;)
    • Joeychgo says:
      try to copy the code which is in your first is pasted in a bad format:
      You are the only one having this problem. The Problem seems to be on your side.

      Like I said, I can't reproduce it ;)

      I have the exact same problem ---
  108. admin says:
    no problem ;)
  109. admin says:
    Which browser and which version are you using?

    Does it happen in other browsers too?
  110. ihstiv says:
    ..interesting thing is that the footer leaderboard is outperforming the other two so far.. i'm going to wait a couple weeks and then try implementing the last post rectangle placement to see if it outperforms the leaderboard.
  111. Warocks says:
    Awesome placement I ever seen
  112. waqar says:
    Thanks for sharing this here .
  113. Taurus says:
    I see you added rounded corners and a drop shadow. What to add to the code to get this please?
  114. Taurus says:
    OK, I managed to get the rounded corners, but cannot for the life of me get the drop shadows. This is what mine looks like now:

    This is part of the code I used in my additional.css template:
    .ads_lr_wrapper {
      border: 2px solid #555555;
      -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
      -khtml-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
      border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
      -moz-box-shadow: 4px 5px 8px rgba(255,255,255,0.6);
      -khtml-box-shadow: 4px 5px 8px rgba(255,255,255,0.6);
      -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 5px 8px
      background: #131313;
      padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
    Can you perhaps point me in the right direction please?

    Thank you so much!
  115. Taurus says:
    Baaaah, I forgot to add the rgba value after the shadow part. Now it is working.....
  116. admin says:
    I use the FireBug Mozilla Add-on to find out the CSS of something.

    You should try it. It's great ;)
    • Taurus says:
      I use the FireBug Mozilla Add-on to find out the CSS of something.

      You should try it. It's great ;)

      That is what I

      Just missed the one part. Now all good. Really awesome addon!
  117. Joeychgo says:
    I wish you would fix this website - the additional css looks like this when you copy and paste it:
    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | #> Large Rectangle Ad + Welcome Text below navbar +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .ads_lr_wrapper { border: 2px solid #274C84; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright:5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft:5px; -moz-border-radius-topright:5px; background: #ffffff; width:850px; height:290px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; } .ads_lr { position: relative; background: #ffffff; width: 336px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 30px; float:left; } .ads_lr_welcome { background: #ffffff; position: relative; width: 460px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 10px; float:right; } #welcome_normal { font-size:normal; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; text-align: left; } #welcome_small { font-size:x-small; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; text-align: left; } #welcome_bold { font-weight:bold; font-size:normal; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; text-align: left; } #welcome_bold_big { font-weight:bold; font-size:large; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; text-align: left; color:#274C84; }
  118. admin says:
    It will still work this way. You can add line breaks yourself.

    It might be the Tynt javascript code that messes up the copy&past for some users.

    I'll think about removing it

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